President Eisenhower
Addresses Congress
on January 5, 1957
Inauguration of 1957
Official Visitors in
Civil Rights Act of 1957
the first workable civil rights legislation to be
passed since the reconstruction period
Dulles and Eisenhower
Address the Nation
The President Campaigns
for Republicans
The FCC Inquiry
Harold Macmillan Visits
Civil Rights Discussion
The Sherman Adams Affair
Eisenhower at the United
President Eisenhower's
Travels in 1959
Official Visitors in
Major Legislation Passed
in 1960
President Eisenhower Visits
South America
February-March 1960
Civil Rights
Filibuster of 1960
De Gaulle Visits the
United States
April 1960
President Eisenhower's Trip
to Paris
May 1960
Other Official Visitors
in 1960
John Foster Dulles
diplomat, Secretary of State
Russell A. Langelle
Arthur Sherwood Flemming
Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss
Secretary of Commerce