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SKC Films Library >> William Howard Taft's Administration
An Overview of William Howard Taft's Administration

William Howard Taft felt he was not fully qualified for the presidency. He had no gift of showmanship like his predecessor, President Theodore Roosevelt, and was much more interested in the law than in politics. He wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice, but his wife wanted him to run for President, as did Roosevelt, so he reluctantly agreed to become his party's candidate.

During his administration, most of the world was at peace. In the United States, a majority of the people still lived on farms, but more and more were moving to cities. Women had won the right to vote in 12 states. Amendment 16 to the Constitution allowed Congress to pass a federal income tax. The United States grew to 48 states with the admission of Arizona and New Mexico.

White House portrait by Anders L. Zorn
White House portrait of William Howard Taft

Election of 1908

William Howard Taft
William Jennings Bryan

Popular Vote


Electoral Vote


His Vice-President and Cabinet
Vice-President James S. Sherman
Secretary of State Philander C. Knox
Secretary of the Treasury Franklin MacVeagh
Secretary of War Jacob M. Dickinson
Henry L. Stimson (1911)
Attorney General George W. Wickersham
Postmaster General Frank H. Hitchcock
Secretary of the Navy George von Lengerke Meyer
Secretary of the Interior Richard A. Ballinger
Walter L. Fisher (1911)
Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson
Secretary of Commerce and Labor Charles Nagel
U.S. Events During His Administration
States Admitted New Mexico (1913), Arizona (1913)
Population in 1913 97,200,000
1909 The first junior high school in the United States was established in Columbus, Ohio.
1910 The Post Office Department established the Postal Savings System.
1913 The 16th Amendment to the Constitution, giving Congress the power to levy income taxes, became law.
1913 The Post Office began parcel-post service.
World Events During His Administration
1909 Admiral Robert E. Peary discovered the North Pole.
1910 The Union of South Africa was founded.
1910 The Mexican Revolution began.
1911 Explorer Roald Amundsen discovered the South Pole.
1912 The Republic of China was established.

Notes and Trivia

At 6 feet tall and 300+ pounds, Taft was the largest man ever to serve as President.

Taft was the first President to throw out the first "First Ball" of the baseball season; he did so in 1910, "starting" a game between the Washington Senators and the Philadelphia Athletics.


The American President
Presidents of the United States

See Also

President Theodore Roosevelt
William Jennings Bryan
New Mexico
Robert E. Peary
Republic of China

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SKC Films Library >> William Howard Taft's Administration

This page was last updated on December 07, 2018.