Cheddar Cheese the
most widely purchased and eaten cheese in the
Although its name comes from the village in
Somerset, England, where it was first produced
over 500 years ago, "cheddar" is not a
designation protected by international
convention. (By contrast, roquefort cheese can
only be so labeled if it was aged in a specific
series of caves in Roquefort, France.) In fact,
the word "cheddar" is now more commonly
used to refer to the pressing process by which
the cheese is made. Known as
"cheddaring," this process involves
stacking slabs of partially drained curd on top
of each other and thrn turning and restacking
them every 10 to 15 minutes for up to 1-1/2
hours, ensuring that all slabs are evely pressed.
This produces a cheese with a smooth, tight
Cheddar can be made from raw or pasteurized
cow's milk and can range in texture from
semi-hard to hard. Factory-produced cheddar is
typically rindless and comes wrapped in plastic
or covered with wax; the interior can range from
off-white to orange. Traditional (handmade)
cheddars have rinds that can range in color from
golden brown to grayish brown; the interior
varies from ivory to pale yellow. In general,
cheddars are labeled with four ripening
designations: mild (about 2 to 4 months), medium
(4 to 8 months), sharp (9 to 12 months), and
extra-sharp (aged over 1 year).
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