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Primate Sources and Links

Colobus Trust. A not-for-profit organization established in 1997 on the southern coast of Kenya to promote the conservation, preservation and protection of primates, in particular the Angolan Black and White Colobus monky.

Jane Goodall Institute. The organization founded by renowned chimpanzee researcher Jane Goodall to increase primate habitat conservation, and to expand non-invasive programs on chimpanzees and other primates.

Primate Info Net. Covers the broad field of primatology providing original content and links to resources about non-human primates.

Introduction to the PrimatesIntroduction to the Primates. By Daris Ray Swindler. A comprehensive guide to the evolutionary history of the world's prosimians, monkeys, and apes--and of humankind's interactions with them. This account of 65 million years of adaptation and evolution concludes with a chapter on the threat that HOMO SAPIENS now pose to the survival of the world's nonhuman primates.

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This page was last updated on 08/02/2009.

SKC Films Library
Science.--Zoology.--Mammals.--Order Primates.

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