Family Ichneumonidae[ick nU' mon i dA] Ichneumon flies are
parasitic insects whose larvae feed on
caterpillars, pupae and larvae of other insects.
With more than 60,000 species spread throughout
the world, this family has more species than any
other family in the order Hymenoptera.
An adult ichneumon fly looks
somewhat like a mosquito, except that it has four
wings instead of the mosquito's two. In addition,
the antennae of an ichneumon are much longer than
those of a mosquito, often half as long as the
fly's body.
Some species are the size of a
small ant. The largest species grows to 1½
inches in body length.
The female's body ends in a
pointed ovipositor, which may be 3
inches long. The three threadlike parts of this
organ form a tube. With it, the insect places
eggs inside trees or in the bodies of
Natural Pest
The ichneumon fly is often
called the "farmer's friend" because it
controls a great many plant pests. Species have
even been transported by man to colonize areas
where artificial pest controls have not been
The female lays her eggs in or
on the larvae of the host species. When the
maggot-like parasitic larvae hatch out, they feed
on the body fats and fluids of the host until
they are fully grown. Then the parasitic larvae
spin cocoons within which they pupate and from
whence the adult fly emerges. In the case of
parasitic larvae breeding inside the host, the
latter behaves normally until shortly before the
uninvited guest larva has fully developed.
There are some ichneumon flies
which live on other ichneumon flies and these are
called hyperparasitic.
phylum Arthropoda
family Ichneumonidae
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