The Chukar (Alectoris
is a medium-sized partridge that is distinguished by the
vivid black and white stripes that decorate the wings and
the black band that runs across the eyes and down the
neck. Native to the mountainous areas of
the Middle East and Africa, it has been introduced into
North America, Hawaii, New Zealand, and parts of
The Bobwhite (Colinus
is a relatively small game bird, weighing approximately
5-6 ounces, and averaging 8-10 inches in length, with a
3.5-4.7- inch wingspan. Adult males are distinguished
from females by their white facial stripes and throat and
sharply contrasting black markings on the feathers.
Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus
It is believed that the domestic chicken was
initially bred from this wild species. The exact time of
its domestication is unknown, but there are some Asiatic
records of it dating back more than 3,000 years.
The Himalayan Monal (Lophophorus
is found in the Himalayas from eastern Afghanistan to
western China, into northeast India and southern Tibet.
It is the national bird of Nepal.
Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
was originally native to eastern Asia but
is now well-established in both Europe and North America,
having been introduced into both areas as a game bird.
The male is easily distinguished from other species by
its blue-green head, red face wattles, white neck ring,
and brightly-colored body.