Argon (Ar)
Arsenic (As)
a semi-metal commonly used as a poison
Bismuth (Bi)
a white, crystalline, brittle metal with a
pinkish tinge found in some medicines
Boron (B)
Calcium (Ca)
Carbon (C)
one of the most important chemical elements
Cesium (Cs)
Copper (Cu)
one of the most useful metals for more than 5,000
Hafnium (Hf)
Helium (He)
Iron (Fe)
the fourth most abundant element on Earth
Mercury (Hg)
a silver-colored metal that is actually liquid at
room temperature
Neon (Ne)
the colorless gas that makes colorful lights
Nickel (Ni)
a white metallic chemical element often used in
Nobelium (No)
Phosphorus (P)
a non-metallic element that all animals and
plants need for normal growth
Silicon (Si)
the second most common element in the Earth's
Silver (Ag)
the best conductor of heat and electricity among
the metals
Sulfur (S)
a solid, nonmetallic element that is essential to
plants and animals
Technetium (Tc)
the first synthetic element
Thorium (Th)
a radioactive metal
Tin (Sn)
a silvery white metal
Uranium (U)
a silvery-white, radioactive metal