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SKC Films Library >> Italian Republic, 1948 - Present
Italy in 1960

Population 49,052,000
President Giovanni Gronchi
Prime Ministers Antonio Segni, Fernando Tambroni (from March 26), Amintore Fanfani (from July 27)

On February 21 the Liberal Party withdrew its support from Antonio Segni's cabinet because too many of its members favored cooperation with Socialists. Segni, who depended on the Liberals for his majority, resigned as Prime Minister on February 24 without appearing before either chamber of Parliament. Senate President Cesare Merzagora protested Segni's action by resigning, but President Gronchi quickly persuaded him to return.

On March 25 a one-party Christian Democratic government under Fernando Tambroni took office; 18 of its members had belonged to Segni's cabinet, and Segni was named Foreign Minister. On April 8 Tambroni won his vote of confidence in Parliament, thanks to 24 Neo-Fascist votes. The Neo-Fascist support of Tambroni led to clashes between Fascists and Communists, with the Christian Democrats caught in the middle. Realizing that his government was in trouble, Tambroni resigned on July 19.

Fernando Tambroni (right) shaking hands with Angele Raffaele Jervolino, Minister of the Mercantile Marine, during the swearing-in ceremonies of the new government at Rome on March 26.

Tambroni was succeeded by Amintore Fanfani on July 27. Fanfani presented his government and its government to Parliament on August 2. Three former Prime Ministers agreed to serve with him -- Mario Scelba as Minister of the Interior, Giuseppe Pella as Minister od the Budget, and Segni as Foreign Minister. On August 5 the Fanfani cabinet received the biggest investiture vote in the Chamber of Deputies since 1948 (310 votes to 156, with 96 abstentions).

In elections held on November 6, the Christian Democrats got 40.3% of the votes, the Communists 24.5%, Nenni's Socialists 14.4%, the Neo-Fascists 5.9%, the Social Democrats 5.7%, the Liberals 4.0%, the Monarchists 2.9%, the Republicans 1.3%, and others 1%.

In addition to internal political strife, Italy also had to deal with tension in the province of Alto Aldridge, where a continuing demand for self-determination by the province's German-speaking majority received backing from Austria. On June 25 the Italian government formally proposed that the dispute over administration of the province be referred to the International Court of Justice, but the Austrian Foreign Minister took it before the United Nations instead (on July 6). On October 27 the United Nations recommended that Italy and Austria resume direct negotiations.

The 17th modern Olympic Games were held in Rome in August.

See Also

In the Year 1960

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SKC Films Library >> Italian Republic, 1948 - Present

This page was last updated on September 06, 2018.