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SKC Films Library >> Benjamin Harrison's Administration, 1889-1893
An Overview of Harrison's Administration

Benjamin Harrison did more than any other President to increase respect for the flag of the United States. By his order, the flag waved above the White House and other government buildings. Harrison also urged that the flag be flown over every school in the land.

Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act during Harrison's administration, and provided for the building of a two-ocean navy of steel ships. The American frontier disappeared as pioneers took over the last unsettled areas of the West. Six new states joined the Union. Women squeezed into whalebone corsets so they could wear the new "hourglass" fashions. James A. Naismith originated basketball, and a lively tune called "Ta-ra-ra-boom-der-é" helped usher in the period of the Gay 90's.

Election of 1888
Place of Nominating Convention Chicago
Ballot on Which Nominated 8th
Democratic Opponent Grover Cleveland
Electoral Vote 233 to 168
Popular Vote 5,447,129 to 5,537,857
Vice-President and Cabinet
Vice-President Levi P. Morton
Secretary of State James G. Blaine
John W. Foster (1892)
Secretary of the Treasury William Windom
Charles Foster (1891)
Secretary of War Redfield Proctor
Stephen B. Elkins (1891)
Attorney General William H.H. Miller
Postmaster General John Wanamaker
Secretary of the Navy Benjamin F. Tracy
Secretary of the Interior John W. Noble
Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah M. Rusk
Major Domestic Events of His Administration
Population in 1893: 67,000,000
1889 Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Washington were admitted to the Union.
1890 Idaho and Wyoming were admitted to the Union.
1890 Congress passed the Organic Act, establishing the Territory of Oklahoma.
1890 The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed to curb monopolies.
1890 The Sherman Silver Purchase Act increased the amount of silver that could be coined.
1890 The McKinley Tariff Act set tariffs as record highs.
1890 The Dependent Pension Act was passed, almost doubling the cost of pensions.
1890 The first Carnegie Public Library was established in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania.
1891 Electricity was introduced into the White House.
1893 The World's Columbian Exposition opened in Chicago.
Major World Events of His Administration
1889 Brazil proclaimed itself a republic.
1889 The Eiffel Tower was dedicated in Paris.
1889 The International Conference of Latin American States was held.
1889-1890 Nellie Bly set a record by traveling around the world in 72 days.
1891 The International Copyright Act was passed.

Presidents of the United States
The White House

James A. Naismith
Grover Cleveland
Redfield Proctor
North Dakota
South Dakota
World's Columbian Exposition
Eiffel Tower

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SKC Films Library >> Benjamin Harrison's Administration, 1889-1893

This page was last updated on June 30, 2018.